Intifada mod overmagt
De palæstinensiske oprør kaldet intifadaer, opstod som reaktion på massiv undertrykkelse og konflikt mellem Israel og befolkningen i Vestbreden og Gaza. I 1967 havde De Forenede Nationer indstillet resolution 242, som afgjorde, at landene i mellemøsten ikke længere måtte føre krig om territorie, og i stedet skulle arbejde imod fred mellem stater, og etableringen af……
Digital media is too important to leave to the market. Attention should not be a commodity. Citizenship and privacy must be protected by democratic institutions. Functional social media creates spaces, voices and connections for people to participate in democracy. Dysfunctional social media allows third actors to interfere for antisocial gains. Advertisement is inherently bad for……
A case against the current legal system
I would not presume that I know enough about our legal system to pick it apart and point to the mechanics or structural issues which doesn’t work at this stage, but I am sure there are some. What I do know is, that the legal system is highly undemocratic, favouring people of wealth over people……